Logo Priceless Pearls

Bible Devotionals for Women

“... the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant seeking beautiful pearls, who, when he had found
a pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had and bought it." Matthew 13:45-46
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Apologetics Press
For more than twenty years Apologetics Press has published and disseminated materials for self study, group study, or evangelistic purposes. Topics range from evidences supporting the Christian Faith to highly controversial areas that challenge that Faith.

Christian Relief Fund
The Christian Relief fund is dedicated to following Christ's example of ministering to human needs: spiritually, physically and emotionally, by feeding the hungry, healing disease and heartbreak, fighting ignorance and poverty through education and preaching the Gospel through word and deed.  

ClearPlay is a DVD player and filtering system that edits objectionable content (language, sex, violence) from movies based on your own settings.  ClearPlay enables your family to enjoy all of the great Hollywood movies you’ve always wanted to watch—without all of the junk you don’t want.

Gospel Broadcasting Network (GBN)
24 hour gospel broadcasting via Internet, satellite or cable.

Healing Hands International
Serve to save lives and relieve suffering through the distribution of humanitarian aid in order to bring hope to all people.

One Million Moms
OneMillionMoms.com is an online community of mothers aimed at stopping the exploitation of our children, especially by the entertainment media (TV, music, movies, etc.).  OneMillionMoms.com is a special project of American Family Association. 

 Online Academy of Biblical Studies (OABS)
The purpose of the Online Academy of Biblical Studies is to fulfill a definite need within the churches of Christ. Our great brotherhood is blessed with some excellent schools of preaching that are true to the once and for all delivered faith. We strongly support these. However, there are individuals in our country and around the world who desire to attend such a school, but for various reasons are unable to do so. In order to fill this need OABS (Online Academy of Biblical Studies) was implemented.

World Bible School
Since the 1950's, WBS has been sending Bible correspondence courses free-of-charge to students around the world. WBS continues to send Bible study correspondence courses to eager students through the postal mail, by email, and on the world wide web. 




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"Join with others in following my example... and take note of those who live according to the pattern we gave you." Philippians 3:17 NIV